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Turn deliciousness into support for your school or organization. Fresh Baguette offers a simple opportunity to earn 20% of sales for guests brought into our stores or online.

Boost your educational programs or sports teams with this week long fundraising opportunity. 

Start raising funds with a taste of France.

Contact us at to schedule.

How it Works

1. Get in Touch: Contact us at to schedule your week-long fundraiser. We'll guide you through the process.

2. Promote: Receive marketing materials and success tips from us. Use these tools for social media, newsletters, and school boards to encourage supporters to visit Fresh Baguette in-store or order online during the designated week.

3. Earn 20%: For every purchase made by your supporters during the fundraising week, your organization receives 20% of the sales.

4. Receive Your Funds: After the fundraiser concludes, we'll tally up the sales and provide your organization with the funds raised.

5. Fund Your Cause: Use the funds you've earned to support your school, team, or community initiatives. It's a tasty way to reach your goals while enjoying a Taste of France!

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